COVID-19: Medical Waste Management Practices


These are the most challenging times for the healthcare and waste management sectors, and one cannot emphasise enough the significance of effective medical waste management practices.


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May 5 2020
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It is a critical area and at such a crucial time it becomes more important for healthcare facilities, waste management service providers and residents to stringently follow the right procedures and take necessary precautionary measures to deal with the waste in a proper manner to ensure the safety of the community and the personnel working in the field.

In our latest podcast, we touch upon the issues, precautions and prevention measures required in the healthcare and waste sectors, as well as awareness, practical measures and best practices related to handling infectious waste generated in households in conversation with Dr. Prashant Nasa, HOD Critical Care Medicine and Chairman Prevention and Infection Control, Antimicrobial Stewardship, NMC Specialty Hospital, Dubai, and Mr. Madhumohan, Chief Innovation Officer, Dulsco.